Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Day At Humphrey Memorial Park and Museum

This last weekend, we went to a local museum.  I know, I know, lived here how many years and never gone before?  Well, now we have, and it is awesome.  Originally a ranch, the property was owned until 1995 and them left as a memorial museum.  It is not large, but it is PACKED.  The grounds are great too.

Here's the article on it - http://www.examiner.com/review/humphrey-memorial-park-and-museum-unique-history-the-mountains

And now? The pictures...

The goat and chicken Barn

The goats!

A Chicken!

Another house on the property (look for future articles about it!)

The main house - I know, sometimes I just can't manage a straight picture!

Side door, built in bench, and a cat!

Back of the house

Toadstool seats, so there is always a place to sit.

Front of the house

Front gate

View from the garage, back of the house and the cattery


Parlor and entry to the library

Piano rolls for the player piano in the parlor

Grandma's bedroom

Propane stove in front of the old fireplace

Part of the library. a narrow space, but jam packed with books and a desk.

Dining room with just some of the china collections

Hazel Humphrey's cat collection

More Cats!

Did I say cats?

All of the things were left in the house belonging to the family, including this collection of vintage fabrics!

The original electric lamps; I believe they still work too!

Leatherworking done on wood for an awesome effect.

The Indian room

In the Mexican room.  Added later, and instead of taking out the windows, doors were put on the outside and shelves added to store more collections!

The kitchen cabinets are full of china sets too!

Original kitchen, with the flour and sugar bins in table. I could love this kitchen!


My great grandmother had some of these pieces.

Pantry storage - everything you can think of.

Wooden strawberry bins - when's the last time you saw these?

Jars, jars, jars... looks like a shelf in my basement...

Canned foods from the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc- recognize some of the labels?

This orange has a crush - get it?

I love the clothes pins. And I'd never considered redying your stockings.

This washing machine is the ONLY thing not original to the house.

So many more things, so little time. The hat collection alone could keep me busy for a day.  I'll be back to take more photos - muhhahaha!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Posts from our Facebook Page for the week of January 11th - 17th, 2015

January 12th -

This morning, there is a light covering of snow. Near the gate to the chicken run, I see the bunny tracks that go in and around the Christmas tree, some snuffles in the snow for leftover treats the chickens didn't eat. 

Around the side of the coop, tiny mouse tracks come out, and they intersect with the bunny tracks. Then there is an area that looks like a scuffle happened, and bunny tracks go back to the run fence and out. I never see the mouse tracks again.

So, do bunnies scuffle with mice? Or did an owl come in and get the mouse? It's an awfully small space for an owl to get in and out, however- not near enough "swoop" room or even a hop down from fence and back up room for any predator bird.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Posts From Our Facebook Page for the week of January 4th- 10th, 2015

January 4th -

After the snow, ice, accidents and single digit weather of yesterday, we're heading into sunshine, blue skies, mid 30s today, and nearly 50 degrees tomorrow!

January 6th -

45 degrees, snow is melting and today - no wind! I can handle this!

January 7th -
The sun is coming out, but humidity is so high here today that everything looks sugar frosted. A beautiful day so far; fog and snow down the hill, however!

January 8th -

I got a surprise going out to the coop this morning! Not only is today supposed to get up to 51 here in the mountains, but when I opened the run gate, I saw a Christmas tree!

I took our tree down yesterday, and took it outside in the stand to take apart later. I was surprised with how fresh it still is. It appears my husband stuck it in the run yesterday evening!

Some chickens are thrilled with it - several decided to peck at it. The rest ignored it. All except for poor old Baby, who took one look at it and ran back into the coop. She'll get over it. Baby just does not like surprises.

January 10th -

Last night, we were watching a movie. Now, our dogs (with exception of small dog) usually do not react to animals sounds on the TV, but this one got middle dog going big time.

The woman in the movie had a small peeping chick.

Middle dog pops us and stares at us first. After determining that we did not have a new friend for him to love, he checked the finch cage, and then checked all around the TV. It was so sweet and cute to see him looking for his normal spring buddies.

Few more months, my friend. A few more months.

Who's the chicken addict in our house?

January 10th -

Took advantage of the day being almost 50 out- Husband cleaned the dog run, I fixed a hole in the fence where "someone" dug out - again. We cleaned the coop, got the chickens out running about for a time, and took a load to the dump. Also managed to collect more kindling, since we might want a fire tomorrow - supposed to snow again!

Body is rebelling against that much work after being sick, but we took it slow in order to get it all done.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Posts From Our Facebook Page For The week of December 28th, 2014 - January 3rd, 2015

December 29th -
As part of our sick day here, I played with one of my Christmas presents- teeny tiny "lego" style blocks called Nanoblocks. My kit was this koala bear. 

I LOVE teeny tiny things, especially toys. I used to have a teeny tiny train,and a set of teeny tiny building blocks, but alas, someone took them.

These are great fun! Amazon has pages and pages of the sets.

January 1st -

Sitting in the back room, watching a couple huge buck lounging in the falling snow in the back yard, clearly feeling safe and content.

January 2nd-

Sunny, bright and getting warmer - chickens get to trek back out to their normal house this afternoon. We may also trek out to the store.

Next Thursday is supposed to be a high of 49 degrees up here - spring, if only for a day or two.

January 2nd -


At least according to them- evil humans we are, we made them walk in the SNOW from the garage to their coop, in really nice sunny weather- but on SNOW!

Much flapping, much drama, much herding. The top picture is of a wing print of one hen who took flight upon being confronted with snow, only to land in - you guessed it - more snow!

But everyone is back to the big coop, back in their normal nightly places on the roosts. And the week is just going to keep getting warmer.

January 3rd-

We are deep in snow storms here- mountain driving is NOT advised; 285 is closed at Windy Point- multiple car accidents and a sheriff's deputy has been killed.

Parts of I 70 are closed on the plains. Driving and road conditions are bad all over the mountain area and even the Denver roads. 

If you must travel, go slow, stay safe, and when you get there, stay in for the night please!